Friday, September 16, 2011

Here kitty, kitty, kitty

With the Hamilton Tiger Cats set to go feral for a season or so in 2013 while Ivor Wynne Stadium is reborn, the lobbying seemingly has begun to attract the Cats as tenants for a few games in a variety of locales.

A somewhat burning question that has caught the imagination of many in the Hammer as they ponder the redevelopment of their ancient field,  as can be reviewed from this entry, as well as this one, on the Hamilton area blog, Save Ivor Wynne Stadium.

The most mentioned of course is Moncton, which has shown that it has some football ready fans looking to adopt even if but for a temporary time, so it goes to figure that at least a few of the Cats nine home games will be destined for New Brunswick.

The Tiger Cats will most likely also wish to keep the home front accessible, so there is the prospect of a few games being played in Toronto (Labour Day Classic would seem to be the one logical date), London as well is hoping to make the short list of Ticat travelling home dates, with the University of Western Ontario looking to play host to at least one if not more Ti Cat home games.

McMaster University in Hamilton itself could also put together some temporary seating to give the Cats a hometown advantage, though the top end of that expansion is said to only be around 18,000 seats.

The barnstorming nature in store for the Cats could be not only beneficial to sales of Tiger Cat memorabilia, but could enhance the CFL brand in areas that perhaps haven't quite connected as much as they could or should.

We'll update the listings of temporary dens for the Cats as the for rent signs go up...

The Times and Transcript-- Planning continues for Moncton's CFL bash
The Spectator-- Cats search for home away from home
The Spectator--  The Moncton Tiger-Cats?  Hmmmmm
Toronto Sun-- Western U. to pursue one Ticats game
Toronto Sun-- Tiger-Cats in London no crazy idea

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